Hygiene Care

A healthy smile plays a big part in your overall health! That’s why routine dental care is of the utmost importance. But as important as regular brushing and flossing are, more is needed to maintain excellent gum health. Bacterial plaque and calculus (also known as tartar) buildup causes gum deterioration, and therefore needs to be removed routinely by a registered dental hygienist. If plaque and calculus are left under the gum tissue, gingivitis and periodontal disease will set in, eventually leading to bad breath, swollen and sore gums, and, unfortunately, tooth loss.

If left untreated, the various types of gum disease can significantly affect both your oral health and your overall health. Recent research indicates that heart attack, diabetes, stroke, and even premature birth all share a strong connection with uncontrolled gum disease. For these reasons, it is crucial to see a dental hygienist regularly!

We can provide you with nutritional counseling to help guide you towards healthy choices for optimal gum and tooth health. Your medical history will also be reviewed and we will provide you with information pertaining to any conditions or medication and their possible effects on your oral health. During your dental cleaning (also known as “gum therapy” or periodontal cleaning) we will work with you to identify areas of concern, and provide helpful tips and tricks you can use to achieve a healthier smile!